
James Gaeta
The Three Best Reasons to Try Whey Protein – Even If You’re Not Hitting the Gym

The Three Best Reasons to Try Whey Protein – Even If You’re Not Hitting the Gym

Whey protein has long been a must-have for those who want to build lean muscle, but the sheer volume of studies out now suggest that the benefits of a good whey supplement warrant the atten-tion of just about anyone in pursuit of excellent health. Whey’s been shown to have a positive impact on so many diseases and disorders that it seems nearly miraculous. Test subjects managing conditions like stress, diabetes, high blood pressure, and much more have exhibited rapid improvement with the addition of a simple, high-quality shake. Research implies that whey can boost white blood cell count in patients...

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James Gaeta
Diseased or Just Deficient? One Key Mineral You May Be Missing

Diseased or Just Deficient? One Key Mineral You May Be Missing

Obesity, heart disease, diabetes. It’s become more and more obvious that a highly-processed Western diet comes with some pretty serious consequences. It’s also alarming to think of all the conditions we deal with that we’ve come to regard as less serious, even “normal” – fatigue, insomnia, aching muscles, migraines. Those may be common, but it’s not just our lot in life. Those conditions can actually be signs that you’re suffering from a magnesium deficiency.    Where did our magnesium go? Magnesium didn’t pack its bags and leave, we’ve phased it out. Modern agriculture, including genetically modified organisms, lends itself to...

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James Gaeta
Diabetes, Weight Loss, and T360

Diabetes, Weight Loss, and T360

What are eight and a half years of your life worth? Sorry. Don’t mean to scare you. But that’s a serious question. Research shows that diabetes can shorten your life span by 8 and a half years. That’s more than 10 percent of the average person’s life. So, let me ask it this way: What is 10 percent of your life worth? Now, before you answer that, let’s think about this: You can easily drop $100 for dinner at a moderately fancy restaurant. You might spend a couple of thousand dollars on two weeks vacation. One hundred bucks for a...

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James Gaeta
Beat Cold & Flu Season

Beat Cold & Flu Season

The days are getting shorter. A few centuries ago, short days meant it was time for the final harvest. Time to go out and stock up on smoked and salted meats. Time to fortify the homestead for winter. Luckily for us, we just need to keep getting up and going to work, even though it might mean driving to and from work in the dark once winter gets here. But maybe we should do a little bit more to prepare ourselves for a season of short cold days that are ahead. The next few months brings with it an increased...

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